Customized product development, pricing, experience analysis and actuarial financial reporting. The services offered include:
1. Product Development
Development of forms, rules and rating structures necessary for a product to be marketed, which include our involvement at any point of the process beginning at the inception of the idea in the company through the preparation of the submission (“filing”) for approval to the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI); technical guidance about a product and its pricing.
2. “Filings” Submission
Submittal of filings to the OCI through the electronic filing system SERFF and represent the client at the OCI during the approval process with the finality of getting the product approved.
3. Experience Analysis
Analysis of loss experience produced by a product or line of business to determine its profitability.
4. Actuarial Financial Reporting
Loss reserving techniques and financial reporting requirements based on statutory standards; annual statement actuarial exhibits preparation.